reasons why coffee can be better than men
- You don't have to put cream in your coffee to make it taste good.
- Coffee doesn't complain when you put whipped cream in it.
- A cup of coffee looks good in the morning.
- You won't fall asleep after a cup of coffee.
- You can always warm coffee up.
- Coffee comes with endless refills.
- Coffee is cheaper.
- You won't get arrested for ordering coffee at 3 AM.
- Coffee never runs out.
- Coffee is out of your system by tomorrow morning.
- You can make coffee as sweet as you want.
- Coffee smells and tastes good.
- If your coffee pot leaks, you can use a regular paper towel.
- You can always get fresh coffee.
- You can turn the pot on, leave the room, and it'll be hot when you get back.
- You can always ditch a bad cup of coffee.
- Coffee goes down easier.
- If you put chocolate in your coffee, it doesn't put on weight.
- No matter how ugly you are, you can always get a cup of coffee.
- A big cup or small cup? It doesn't matter.
- Coffee smells good in the morning.
- Coffee is good when it's cold too.
- Coffee stains are easier to remove.
- Coffee doesn't care when you dunk things in it.
- Coffee doesn't care what kind of mood you're in.
- Coffee is ready in 15 minutes or less.
- You can't get a cup of coffee pregnant by putting cream in it.
- Coffee doesn't mind being ground.
- No matter how bad coffee is, you can always make it better.
- Coffee doesn't have a time of the month... it's good all the time.
- When you have a coffee, you don't end up with a pube in the back of your throat.
- Coffee doesn't take up half your bed.
- Coffee doesn't mind if you wake up at 3 AM and decide to have a cup.
- You can have an intelligent conversation with coffee.
- Your coffee won't be jealous of a larger cup.
the mouth of truth
so here it goes:
- Anda cenderung menggunakan kepintaran anda bagi kepentingan anda bagi kepentingan diri. (dis one is not really correct because i do consider others ok..its just sumtimes, we have to be selfish for own good too, rite?)
- Anda seorang yang sangat pintar (define pintar plz.. =P)
- Anda mencuba memperalatkan orang lain untuk kepentingan diri. ( izit?? **curious**)
- Anda tahu untuk menyederhanakan semangat pengorbanan diri dan anda dapat hidup dengan gembira dan bahagia. ( no komen bout this..rite now i am hepi n bahagia..**ku bahagia-ala2 melly goeslaw)
- Masalah kesihatan anda sebahagian besarnya berpunca daripada jiwa yang tertekan. (yezzaa..migrain, gastrik what else? of course mine is start from stress)
- Anda mendapati sukar untuk menumpukan perhatian dalam sesuatu yang membina dan anda dapat cepat hilang minat dalam apa yang anda lakukan. (50-50 laa..sumtimes i might get bored with things so easily and sumtimes not esp the thang dat i loike~!!)
i cant understand..
rugi ker if they low profile and try to respect woman and feel their heart?
Rasulullah ponx tak pnah nk jadik ego dgn perempuan..yes, you are not nabi but please sedikit sebyk follow him..
if you feel that you are somehow soo great, the only one..may Allah show you the way, hopefully..
not gentleman
F**k up btol la..tho u r senior, consider ah sket..dah la berebut cubicle n woman plak tuh..demm u r not gentleman like your physical man!! gila downgrade urself..after me working and set up my place 1months ++ , now u want to claim that place is yours..huk ala
Ahri is coordinator there, shes more like trainer now and used to be one of the team lead before..lantak ah**malah laye**
one more thing, my cubicle mmg la very strategic, tmpt plg hujung and ke dalam skali, tepi tingkap n belakang tiang..tmpt plg sesuai la utk menyorok =P
ramai jerk laki yg tak gentleman skang neh..harap muka jer hensem, nice looking bla bla bla..perangai cm hampages jerk..
ada ker patut..berebut cubicle n pompan??? huahuahuahuahua
tag lagi..
My EmiLy purse**buruk gell, sape nk kasik purse baru neh?**
my 7610**yeah i noe its quite tukun, siap kene ikat getah lagi, but dat one my father give it to me k**
my baby Kelisa keys
strawbewi lip baLm
a piLot pen
**huk ala, cukup2 5 rupanye ngeh3
5 things found in my purse
myKad + driving licence
ATM cards + cash
muvie tickets + receipt**still have the sentimental value for my precious'**
pictures**mine + his + ours + his 5 ringgit note =)**
**dats y my purse very kembong one sampai takleh tutup
5 things I’ve always wanted to do
Go to Japan!!
5 things I’m currently into
Buy all my dreamx things n save money
5 people I’m going to tag
Sesape yg ade perasaan nk wat
monday morning survey..
yes, it is TRUE..
shitam blues again..
shitam blues
suddenly kak teh**my sista** call, citer bile nk kene balik from her skul n then mintak my permission nk balik n train..whadaaa~ nk nek train from SP to BM yg amik masa may be sejam jer ke berapa jam if nek train..kedengaran sungguh tak logik but then /me paham that she jez wanna hang out n have some fun wif her frenz..but i think dis is not the right time yet..
tadek keje
memandangkan aku tadek keje neh..nah hamek~!
Your Relationship is Still Building Strength |
![]() You're relationship is fairly strong, but you're still working on making things solid. Make sure you're both treating each other with kindness and respect, even when things aren't going well. |
You Are a Friendly Ex |
![]() While the guys you've dated haven't been perfect, you've kept most as friends In fact, one or two of your exes may be your best friends - after all, they know you best And though your mature attitude is awesome, make sure nothing gets too weird Or else you could lose these friendships, simply because your exes' new women think you're *too* friendly |
di saat itu..
kisah nurin
'lindsay lohan'
word of the day
"ha dah tuh bila nk cakuk?"
"laa..cakuk pun tak tau ka.."
"tak tau la..tak penah dengaq pun..cakuk seluaq tau laa.."
"haa cakuk kawen laa..sat g bila dah keja, tak cakuk lagi susah..keja besaq.."
"haha kawen kaa..tok yam cari kan la.."
"huh takmau laa..gaya tengok dah ada.."
so kengkawan..cakuk bermaksud ikat..bertunang atau kawen dan makna yang sewaktu dengannya..tuh bahasa kiasan zaman tok aku kot since tanya mak n makngah aku ponx diorg wat2 blur jugak.
so, sesiapa yang dah ada tuh, cukup syaratnya, cakuk la cepat2..nk tunggu ape lagi k =)
how to make a woman happy...
i hate u..yes u!!
yg nk tergelaknye..time pak imam bg khutbah..kak rina sempat berposing agi depan kamera kezen2nya..timetuh jugak pak imam ushar dia sempat tego agi n direct kene sound*hikhik* bunyiknye cm kene sound n lecturer kan kak rina? =P time tuh laa aku pk..
btol ker neh kak rina nk kawen =P
so time akad nikah, hatiku berasa lebeh cuak..ku tahu kak rina ponx same sbb kakinye sejuk(terpegang laa..) dgn sekali lafaz, kak rina dah jadik isteri org n milik abangnye..alhamdulillah =)
bajet ade adegan drama pastuh, tp masih leh dikontrol oleh kak rina..tak tragis langsung huhu tp ku tahu, ayah kak rina agak sebak dari raut wajah seorang ayah..aku plg ske adegan neh :
words cannot describe this action**speechless**
so pastuh, aku neman n tgk diorg amik gamba kat atas masjid..nice sangat!!wah..wah..mule la tuh nk berangan sendiri2 =P
then balik ke umah kak rina, lunch n chaloss!!
sesampainye kat umah teros bum-bum..penat + nantok gell..
so pasneh kak namo plak ye =D
honka fc
tatau nape aku updet pasal diorg even aku tak main ponx..tah la..rasa enjoy kot follow diorg bagi sapot, since tadek komitmen*hikhik*
how bad my temper according my horoscope..
You are noble and kind and dislike losing control over your emotions.
It is very rare for you to get angry.
You are also the pacifier in situations that involve arguments.
It is always your endeavor to be perfect and socially correct in your behavior and attitude, but if misunderstood and slighted you can give in to an angry outburst.
You will shout and scream and then walk out from the scene.
You cannot easily forget the situation and will be bitter about it for a long time.
p/s: quite true actually =P esp bab2 susah nk marah neh..tatau nape..kalau marah ponx sekejap jer..n bnda2 len cm btol gak n me malas nk layan, malas nk komen*nantok*
i m going to german
semlm aku mimpi aku nek kapal terbang, tak tahu nape nk g german..nk kata g tengok bola, world cup ponx dah abih..yg pastinye, aku nk g german tuh n ayah aku..btol2 aku ingt ayah aku ada kt sebelah..seingat aku, famili yg lain tadek plak follow skali..kitorg borak2 mcm biasa..then tibe2 ada org dtg tanyekan sumthing then teros tjaga tido......
ape maksud mimpi aku tuh?
May Be Ayah Windukan aKu??
sbb org salu cakap kalau kite windukan org tuh, salunye org tuh windukan'uh, me admit i really mish my dad =/
May Be Ayah nk Kejutkn aKu BanGun Tido??
ye laa..jam dah koi bape time tuh, mesti la ayah nk soh aku bangun g solat subuh, g keje..
teringat dulu masa ayah still ada, kalau time cuti jer mesti ayah yg salu kejutkan tido, esp kalau aku tak tuwun2 umah agi, tak kua dari bilik agi..start ah dia ketok bilik*hikhik* kdg2 malas layan, kdg2 aku hangen tp pastuh mesti dengar bunyik ayah gelak2 dari lua bilik, kdg2 aku dok diam jer*since tak bangun agi hukhuk*
tp skang neh...
aku tak dapat dengar bunyik ayah ketok pintu bilik agi =(
cerite pasal mimpi ayah..
pnah dulu after ayah meninggal..aku mimpikan ayah jugak..ayah ade pesan soh aku jaga mak n adik2 bebaik..
but then i feel i m not a good daughter n sister..
kakak tak reti jaga adik2..
kakak tak reti nk jaga mak n tok..
i am suxx....
m E n
2. The handsome men are not nice.
3. The handsome and nice men are gay.
4. The handsome, nice and heterosexual men are married.
5. The men who are not so handsome, but are nice men, have No money.
6. The men who are not so handsome, but are nice men with money think we are only after their money.
7. The handsome men without money are after our money.
8. The handsome men, who are not so nice and somewhat heterosexual, don't think we are beautiful enough.
9. The men who think we are beautiful, that are heterosexual, somewhat nice and have money, are cowards.
10. The men who are somewhat handsome, somewhat nice and have some money and thank God are heterosexual, are shy and NEVER MAKE THE FIRST MOVE!!!!
11. The men who never make the first move, automatically lose interest in us when we take the initiative.
p/s: jez curik this post dari sumone's frenster..the results may vary between each individuals*hikhik*
for me, as long as my man appreciate me and take me as i am, i love him soo much*hikhik**gedik mode*
survey henset
++This Ain't A Scene*fall out boy*++
2. What is your current wallpaper?
3. Do you own a picture phone?
++Yes!! wponx yg koman jer, jadik la*hihi*++
4. If so, what was the last picture you took?
++the last pic is ME with my new cekak polka dot ala2 retro =D++
5. Go to your text message inbox and type what the 10th message from the top says:
++" org kat luar la td..huhu" *ofismet*++
6. How many contacts do you have on your phone?
++cemane nk kire eh?++
7. Go to your last missed call, who was it?
++ md noor 2 ++
9. What service do you use?
++ hotlink,*music unlimited*++
10. At this very moment, how many bars do you have for your service?
++ F.U.L.L bars++
11. Who’s on your speed dial number 5?
++ sarang tebuan*my rumah laa*++
12. Do you have a voicemail?
++ not sure++
13. How many contacts that start with the letter D do you have:
14. Who do you call the most?
++ =) ++
15. How many text messages do you get a month?
++ i dunno n i dun care =P lalala~++
16. Can you send pictures?
++ oh yeahh~++
17. What are the last 4 digits to your number?
++ 2901*my besday =) * ++
18. Go to your sent texts, what does the eighth one say?
++"Ye ke.Adoi sarah crk tp tak jupe pun!!"++
19. What about the 15th?
++"Sj nk kaco org la tu!!Tau jer org neh blemoih huhu" *whadaaa*++
20. Who’s the last person that you called?
++ abang-fang =) ++
22. Last person that texted you?
++ irwan*ofismet*++
23. Last person you added to your address book?
++ one resort kat cherating ++
24. How many minutes are on your plan?
++ po dio po bondo neh?++
25. Do you like your phone?
++ yeah!! bekos my father give it to me..very precious for me =) ++
26. What is it?
++ norkiah 7610 a.k.a daun++
27. Wanna give out your number?
++ nanananana~~~ ++
nadiana engangement day
since aku g family vacation time skul hols rituh g langkawi, alang2 aku g laa singgah kat rumah member aku bertunang kat perlis, simpang empat..tatau nape aku beria2 sangat nk g umah dia, siap overnite agi, padahal bukannye hosmet ker ape ponx..alhamdulillah, mak aku izinkan*lepas plak, kalau tak susah jugak nk bg overnite umah org neh*
so sabtu ptg 2hb tuh sampai kat umah nadia a.k.a nana huhu baru aku tau famili dia panggey anak mami plak =P~ rupe2nye ade 2 org foreigner utp yg dtg skali..diorg nk tgk cemane ceremony org melayu kat sini..samiha n tihani namenye, org terpakse la aku mempraktikkan ilmu PCS aku n diorg neh lagi skali*haihh* agaknye aku neh kene kawan n foreigner jer kot =P
malam tuh jez lepak2 n tolong kemas2 pape yg patut utk esok..dinner..layan tv sambil sembang2 ngn abang2 n adik beradik dia..melayan anak sedara dia..n adik nana jugak..famili diorg treat aku baik famili sendiri..dalam dekat2 koi11 g teman kakak nana wat sireh junjung utk esok..along cm regret sbb dapat bunga yg tak fresh n bahan yg tak cukup kat perlis tuh..huhu tapi hasil dia ok la..tadek laa terok sangat ponx..neh haa sireh junjungnye..
esoknyee..aku dah bgn awal bajet nana nk ajak teman g bersiap..tapi dia plak bajet aku tak bgn lagi so dia ajak adik dia*hampeh*siap2 jer, breakfast..sambil tolong kat dapor pa pe yg patut =) koi10++ nana ponx sampai umah dah bersiap..waweee~ cm nk nari zapin plak =P but nice, my mum ponx cakap baju dia cantik*jeles* so nana meghap aku pakaikan rantai and what so ever thing kat bdn dia smbil aku kene teman dia dalam bilik..
then, upacara menyarung cincin, aku jugak yg terpakse meneman nana ke depan =)
so secara rasminye nana jadik tunang org!!
waaaa..tokleh nk roxx sangat ah mcm neh weh =P~
pas sarung cincin setel down, aku g ke dapor tlg wat keje2 since cm tak cukup org..yg nana neh dok bising cakap aku wat keje dtg umah dia..ishh ade yg nk kene ketok pale neh =P
hurm the most touching moment is bile nana peluk mak dia pas jadik tunang org..and she cried!! and when sumone started, me ponx cannot stand already though me marah nana cakap dangan nanes because this is ur also started to cry n hard to stop ="(
nana's father dah tadek..since she is the last daughter..her father passed away a year ago i think..i can feel it since we both very closed to our father...we also share the same feeling, when i feel blue n missing my father..
so pas majlis dah setel, aku ponx balik kg tanam jagung..yeye~!!
i love the 11 hantarans esp the bekas cincin..sweet sangat dgn sweet pink..along nana yg buat..
suwi la may be tak nmpk gelap ker ape..stndrd laa..kamera ponx 3.2 megapixels jer =P
one for merisik..
another one is for bertunang..
heh, still cannot believe it dear that u r enganged!!
so aku ponx interview la, ape perasaan jadik tunangan org neh..tadek pa pe ponx dia cakap, jez kene lagi jaga diri bebaik laa, sebab dah libatkan dua famili =) but still not matured enough laa!! *hikhik*
so...who's NEXT??
anyone from SHADAPIANX may bE??
af 5 finale
ha nk citer sket pasal konsert AF5 final tempoh hari..tempoh tak tempoh dah sebulan laa..mende alah tuh berlalu *hukhuk* sekejap jer masa berlalu..kalau nk ikutkan, af kali neh aku plg tak layan sekali since tak dok kat umah mahuponx utp dah..tapi cm tau cmtuh2 jer la..
since aku mendapat dis 'invitation' from dat sumone utk g nenok af final, layan jer la..masa hari g carik tiket, may be tuah muke chomey la kot*hikhik* aku berjaya mendapat tiket kat seating arena wponx masa dah begitu suntuk.. so neh la tandanya aku berjaya membuat muke chomey kat abang cashier tuh =P~ haha
so sesampainye bukit jalil, pintu stadium tak bukak agi, so ushar jap kat booth kat luar tuh esp booth Heliza*whadaaa* and then booth dafi*utk beli sumthing for my sista* since minat gell n dafi*aku hanya mampu menggelengkan kepala*
so time dok berator kat luar tuh mcm fan aswad yg byk n hingaq..aku lagi skali menggelengkan kepala tgk perangai org kampung aku haha =P~
tapi yg tak besnyee pas org dah ramai, pak gad dgn strictnye tak bg gune kamera utk tangkap gamba seme..kalau tak diorg la may be nk prevent piracy ker ape..tapi of kos la mesti ada yg terlepas nye..
b4 mulenye show dat nite, seating yg kitorg duduk tuh dekat dgn pintu artis kua masuk n quite depan la nmpk laa artis kuar masuk..tak sangke lak Kaer af quite kiut, bile dia tgk n bye-bye kitorg cm jerit haha cm ape jer..terasa diri cm bebudak smule =P n then shawal lagi*haish* so to dat sumone yg tgk konsert n aku tuh, sabar jer laa eh..mmg neh la myself esp bila tgk live show mcm neh yg jupe artis huhu n then velvet dah kurus!! jeles btoll aku tgkk..yg plg aku tak dapat lupekan, dpt tgk farid kamil*haihh* dah ler dok satu row n aku tapi dia depan laa..lembik lutut dah =P
so show dat nite is great!!even aku tak layan af, tp tetap leh layan final nye..dgn lagu diorg nyanyi ada yg hiburkan aku takponx mengalirkan air mata..only u noe y me like dat..quite sensitif n hayati lagu yg diorg nynyi..thnx for dat sumone for body language yg mampu memujuk wponx secara tak langsung n i noe dat u feel it..
after abis af final, aku ponx melancarkan projek yg selalu dilakukan bile jupe artis n celebrity..rumet mesti paham kan, yuni too!! =D n dis time i do it alone..dgn pnuh kebranian aku g depan sorang g tangkap gamba diorg neh n some of the celebrities tapi aku tak dapat la nk publish kat sini =D y aku cakap dgn pnuh kebranian?sbb my kredit hp dah YELEKK!!! haha kondifen gell..takper2 aku tau dia akan carik nye =)
thanx for the treat and wonderful wiken dear..
congratz too for mila..for the first time juara af is pompan hukhuk..well, she deserved it..dun care la sum people said kemenangan dirancang or long as she deserved it =)
anyway, she's roxX!!
terlalu cinta - rossa
Mengapa semua ini terjadi kepadaku
Tuhan maafkan diri ini
Mengapa semua ini terjadi kepadaku
Tuhan maafkan diri ini
Namun apalah daya ini
Aku terlalu cinta dia…
p/s: ske sangat lagu neh..this song specially dedicated to 'dia'..eventhough we r miles apart, my mind cant stop thinking bout u..can't think of sumbody else..i will be waiting for u, for the times being that i still can matter how people n u will be said..
bie, i noe that u wont and cannot understand..dis song is for u and i will sing for u then.. =)
infinity infinatez =D
benda kecik ponx nk bising
yg drebar tuh ponx satu..may be dia tak tahan aunty tuh dok push so benti..may be dia rimas..tiba2 jer dia g fire kata dia dah cakap akan stop dia akan stop laa..tak payah la nk kene dtg cakap sampai 10 kali..
yg si aunty neh ponx bengang lagi sbb dia cakap leklok, si drebar plak g fire cm tuh..sapa tak hangen kalau jadik cm tuh..dengan suara drebar tuh quite kuat gak laa..aku yg dok belakang dekat seat no 15 ponx leh dengar..makin lama makin kuat lak diorg gadoh*hukhuk*
pasang telinga dengar jer la..dah gelombang2 tuh masuk kot cuping tinga neh ha..layan jer laa..dalam hati aku cakap 2,2 salah..bnda alah tuh ponx nk bising..bising apa yg dapat..lagi lambat anak si aunty tuh nk g shi shi..lagi lambat nk sampai kL..
aku ponx paham kalau kat tmpt aunty tuh..anak dia dah tak tahan sangat nk shi shi..dah la budak a mother mesti dia layan anak dia..tambh plak bas tuh tak pnah stop lagi..
kalau aku kat tmpt drebar tuh ponx sama jugak, rimas jugak org dtg bitau sampai seploh kali nk benti..ade yg nk kene ketok kepale neh =P
pa pe ponx aku dapat meleraikan perang mulut tuh secara tak langsung..dok gadoh agi kt tgh pintu bas..aku wat2 slamber dekat ngan diorg cakap nk tuwon bas neh..
so secara tak langsung diorg stop kat situ..
p/s: aku ponx nk g toilet gak sbnrnya =D
survey owang cakit pewut
++ black + red + white ++
2. Honestly, whats on your mind?
++ wanna quit dis job! ++
3. Honestly, what are you doing right now?
++ working, updating my own blog ++
4. Honestly, do you think you are attractive?
++ no, i am not ++
5. Honestly, have you done something bad today?
++ nope ++
6. Honestly, who are you thinking of now?
++ ofismet*mane la diorg pergi neh, beg diorg still ada kat sini neh* ++
7. Honestly, do you watch disney channel?
++ yes!!*lurve to watch totally spies,martin mystery, dats so raven* ++
8. Honestly, are you jealous of someone?
++ may be..ade sket kot*hurmm* ++
9. Honestly, what makes you happy most of the time?
++ spend time with him and my family..oopss my fwenz too =) ++
10. Honestly, do you bite your nails?
++ long time ago ++
11. Honestly, do you have an eating disorder?
++ aa..nk diet..bdn gumok..tpi kene marah*cedey* ++
12. Honestly, do you want to see someone this very minute?
++ of kos i do..but he wont understnd me and never do*sigh* ++
13. Honestly, do you have a deep dark secret??
++ yeS, it will remain secret i guess ++
14. Honestly, do you have a friend you don't actually like?
++ ade..bajet bagus sangat!! ++
15. Honestly, are you confused with your feelings?
++ hurmm..i guess so.. ++
16. Honestly, who would you wanna be
with right now?
++ my family and with him*fly me to kuantan now plz..* ++
17. Honestly, do you like someone?
++ yEs! ++
18. Honestly, does anyone like you?
++ hoho i think So..but wat2 tatau n tak layan jerk =P ++
19. Honestly, are u an easy going person?
++ ask my fwenz lorh.. ++
sangat rasa tak sedap bdn..
simptom2 nye macam demam rituh, viral fever..
sakit tekak tibe2..
tadek mood..
kepala berat..
mata jadik panas nk nanges..
satu bdn sakit2..
len kali laa eh updet..
bu bu..
selamat menengok pirates kat carribean ye...
watsons sungei wang
aku keje wiken..
tibe2 jer masuk pager kes watsons sg wang..
then aku ponx call la that customer..
pada masa yg sama..
sementara nunggu henset neh mendail..
aku ponx dgn pnuh kenakalan mengusik kak is..
ketika menonton cerita 'misteri' kt tv3 time tuh..
sambil membuat bunyi seperti..
cepat pulak customer menjawab panggilanku..
dgn pnuh sikap profesionalisme..
aku ponx bercakap n customer tuh pasal problem yg direport..
padahal dalam hati..
tuhan saja yg tahu perasaan malu menyelubungi diri..
mamat neh dah lame ker dgr aku mengarot sorang2 kat teliponx neh..
agak2 jer..
aku ponx dgn pnuh kebranian di dalam dada..
mule bertanyakan dat customer..
"awak dah lame ker angkat call tadi eh.."
"nape awak tanye" dalam kedengaran dia dok gelak2 sket2*hampeh*
"tadek laa..saje jer nk tau.."
tibe2 jer die bantai gelak kuat2 kat aku..
demmit neh mesti fail ah tadi..
"haaa kantoi tadi.."
"alamak dengar eh tadi huhu..saje jer ngusik member tadi..tak sangke plak awak jawab call cepat.."
"haha takper2..jadik rasia kerajaan" hampehnye mamat neh..kenekan aku plak..
" k la awak..cer try pe yg sy soh awak wat tadi dulu..kang saya call awak balik k.."
" kalau counter tak oK jugak cemane.."
"takper la, saya call engineer soh g check la anti.."
"kalau dia tak dtg cemane.."
"kalau dia tak dtg, anti die yg kene marah.."
"ape plak, saya nk org yg tgh cakap fon neh dtg fixkan problem neh" hampehnye customer..kene lagi aku..
"ape pulak, kite jez helpdesk jer.."
"haha..k la..meh sini no taliponx bia saya call bile saya dah siap wat awak soh" chehh tektik nk no fon aku laa neh..
"takper awak..dalam 10 minit agi saya call awak balik..dalam koi7.40 ker.."
"tuh dah lebeh 10 minit.."
"ye la ye la..awak wat jer laa saya soh tadi tuh.."
mamat watsons sg wang tuh ingtkan aku yg nk dtg store..amik ko jet suami org yg g =D
eniway, mamat watsons tuh nama Maman..siap tinggalkn henset number..
takper la maman, bile2 la i g sg wang, wat2 g watsons k jupe u =P
sayang tak bererti memiliki??
dah tuh watper kite sayangkan seseorang itu..
kalau kite tak mampu nk memiliki..
kehidupan ini sangat tak adil..
wponx ku dah biase dgn keadaan di mana..
org yg aku sayang..
pastinya takkan dapat bersamaku..
lelaki yg kusayang selalu pergi tinggalkan diriku..
lelaki yg paling kusayang dalam hidupku..
tlh pergi ke pangkuan Illahi..
lelaki yg membesarkan ku..
ketika sekolah rendah..
pergi dan amik ku dari tusyen..
juga mengikuti jejak langkah ayah..
si dia..
lelaki yang paling aku cintai sepanjang hidup aku..
juga tak dapat hidup bersama ku..
tak mungkin hendak bersama susah senang denganku..
kasih sayangku sia-sia..
i'm hurt..
nobody can feel this pain..
i feel it alone..
and i m all alone....