these things i'll never say
a gurl who never lucky in her anything..

i hate u..yes u!!

By sarahtebuan
benci!!! benci!! benci!!!
i m quite pissed off with my life nowadays..dunno y..
aku kah yang terase..
atau aku kah yang emo..
sbb PMS kah???
aku SENSITIF kah??
suddenly i feel like tadek tempat nk bermanje..when i want dat sumone to feel me to comfort me but no body with me..he's not there..
kt luar..
letey laa..
tadek mood...
so, pompan tadek seme rase cm tuh ker..
so ingt pompan neh tak bz?
pompan neh tak keluar hang out n kawan2?
pompan neh tak letey pas balik keje or g jalan2??
pompan neh ade mood memanjang, 24 jam??
ape ingt pompan neh tadek perasaan ker..
bak kata ina. si tunggul kayu?? aku si tiang elektrik??
**tarik nafas**
ape susah sangat ker laki neh nk faham perasaan pompan?
ape susah sangat ker laki neh nk paham pompan?
if u dun understand them, jez hear what they said..
she jez want sumbody..
n thanx God for dat sumone(u noe who u are..) if not, msti la sakit dada tahan nanges, ape org cakap, menahan sebak di dada..
n suddenly my MeM besar dah balik dari kL..oMiGOSH!!
semenye tak kene..
pakai baju kecik kene tego cakap dah berubah..
pakai baju besar cakap dah gemok..lengan besau laa..mcm ManJa la..demmit samekan aku cam ManJa..whadaaaa~
so WHAT???
u expect me to say n talk to u properly or whatso ever to u??
u hurt my feeling n then i cannot hurt urs too???
i cannot understand..
we'all have to respect u but y`all dun respect us???
like HELLO...
org muda zmn skang is not like org muda zmn dulu..
me RUDE??
if YES, then what u gonna do to me?
nk tau ape yg me rase nk wat skang neh??
take my key--> start my baby Kelisa-->go to kL again or no where
and u if u dun respect me, dun expect me to do the same to u!!
lepaskan perasaan yang terpendam

1 comment so far.

  1. Ayuni A. 10:18 PM
    erk...hope u r fine by now...

Something to say?