alip md alip~~
sunshine ;)
- do your work passionly..
- if you're not interested in your work rite now, find the way, the it will lead to the dissatisfaction in your job will not work with all your heart..
- she wants us to rebrand GSCMD ;) wow! **hikhik**
- think that are u deserve every RM and Sen that u get every month with your job since it will be ur darah daging later to give to ur famili n oso anak2..
for the first time, i had that opportunity to talk with her..b4 dis, nek satu lif ponx she will just read the newspaper..feel dissapointed as i am intend to "hi" or "gud morning" fact, i feel that saya sudah tak takut2 dengan dia lagik..i admit that, i feel admire her in some of the ways, the charisma, the 'garang'ness :P in doing her job..
surprisingly, she acknwledged my appreance and noe my name :P yeayy!! **hikhik** bangga skett, for the person yg jupe ramai org setiap hari and oso her staff lagi ;)
otw back to the ofis, i just sembang2 with my GM about my work related and the feedback..she said that i am quite QUIET!! **adoi la** feel quite terbakar + wanna pruf sumthing (izit?? haha) but for me, i think that 1 month is not enuf for the person to judge me, especially the one not working and interacting with me..nvm, rite now i noe that at what i point i shud working on ;)
gtg..its fitness lets fitness first!! =)
luahan hati..
kalau ikutkan hati, meme la nk g.
bile lagi nk enjoy.time single mingle gini la.
anti kawen ye saya tak dapat la nk g event2 gini.
kalau ikutkan darah muda yg dulu, bleh jer saya nk pegi senyap2.
kalau ikutkan hati, mmg la saya nk g, wponx famili or ehem ehem saya tak bg saya pegi.
semenye kalau ikutkan hati saya yg degil ini..
tetapi saya punya hati dan akal fikiran untuk berfikir..
untuk membuat keputusan..
ye saya tak pergi..kenape saya tak pergi?
i think evry person has their turning point, its time to settle down in their life..mcm saya, dari zmn stadi ke zmn keje..dari zmn sosial, g staged seme, sampai la skang neh..dari zmn single sampai la kawen..apela saya merapu neh saya ponx tatau..
kepada kawan2 rapat saya, esp teman satu geng dulu zmn Hu Ha-Hu Ha, dah berapa kali ajak g mane2..jum2 tgk mv, jum kluar sane kluar sini..i know, saya mengecewakan mereka dengan menolak perlawaan mereka.i know, its quite disappointing.
sesetengah kawan saya bertanya, saya dah jadik baik ker sekarang?baik?saya rasa sama sahaja.saya ponx tatau ape yg baik.may be sumbody can define BAIK itu ape.
in fact, i ve got some of the response from frenx of mine, that i ve been controlled by sumone, by sumbody, by my ehem ehem..
my confession is made from myself..saya tak dikontrol oleh sesiapa untuk membuat keputusan sbnnrya.if its like saya meminta kebenaran, saya tahu dat sumthing is not REALLY right for me to go or what..its like saya tgh 50-50, saya tgh atas pagar dat time..n during this time, i need some advice and guidance from sumone..dats it..
saya rasa, perkara atau aktiviti yg si dia tidak benarkan, saya pk balik its true about the reasons and the consequences saya admit, he is not a modern person..i m suwi dear i have to admit this..
i dun think that because of this, i m not independent..kepada sesiapa yg mengikuti dan tahu, ambil berat about my life milestone..they should know how independent i am, how tough and strong i am..i admit that sumtimes i am not tough and strong enuf..
tambahan pula kengkawan, at this stage, all things that i ve done or i will, i have to consider is there any consequences or any impact for both families..tanggungjawab saya menjaga nama kedua2 kawan2, saya dah tak dapat nk join korang utk event mcm neh lagi.saya harap korg sme paham.i need y`all understanding regarding this one..
ye saya mempunyai kewajipan and responsiblities to my family and my lovely mum, and plus with his and his family gradually..i m suwi dear, my mum already reminds me of this =)
thnx dear for all your opinion and views..i know y`all luv me (syg ker? :P) no offense ya for this entry for all parties that ponx, no heart feeling about all your views =)
n yet, for the time being, we can still enjoy ourselves WITHOUT our boyfrenx around..i m sure that my sayang will understand =) (tak bg jugak saya merajuk 3 hari 4 malam laa..)
i m still the same ;)
just sedikit penghijrahan..tak bermakna saya bertambah baik dan alim oK..whadaaa~~
i feel relieved..
i have just resigned from my HP job last week. next week will be joining new job soon, finally =)
but b4 resign, there too many rumors said that i have to pay 3 months salary, 2 months salary laa..omigod, sakit nye kepala i time tuh sape ponx tatau..mana nk cekau duit byk tuh tho u can borrow from others but time nk membayor balik tuh is like hell much u noe..pnah jugak terpk bile setan bertanduk kat kepala tuh nk soh lari jerk but u better wat cara elok la my angel side said =) so here i 2 months salary have to paid minus my leave minus my OT bla bla **i am workaholic, saya anak mak ok!** agak2 dalam sibu setengah jerk..just borrow from my Mum and she quite impressed with her daughter.."byk jugak kakak dapat keja bulan neh eh..rajin tol keje""anak mak, mak..memang la cm tuh "
in fact, i m leaving my HP job peacefully..since the week before got 2 cases that have to follow up and other party wont do that as plan..kdg2 balik umah terpk hal keje GERAM jugak dibuatnya..di ofis tak kire la menyumpah tak larat tahan sabar last sekali me just CLOSED the case ikut ske hati huahuhauhuahua :P~
my HP job is oK, quite a good working environemnt, people that willing to help..surprisingly, lelaki lebeh ramai even though its a service desk working environment..guess what, its only me the only ANGEL in my team =) no more angle so cannot buli-buli oredi..oh God, for sure they will be missing me...
my ofis trip
nk story la sket, last wiken was a very hectic wiken actually. balik kg + wat2 MC + ofis trip to genting. bila ingt balik cm gila la pulak kan. wanna story about my ofis trip to genting last saturday. it actually for our team got the reward for the performance last a few months. so till now, RM500 still dun use. so we decide (actually not WE its only my team lead k!) decide to go GEntinG. In fact SEA team oso went there + a few management staf total like one bus is ours huhu
the package is RM38 including bus return at OU + cable car + buffet or outdoor theme park. i think the package is reasonable, affordable and ble ble lagi la :P
bermulanya di dalam bas, kitowang bertolak dalam koi9 pagi its quite havoc dalam bas as that race mmg la terkenal dengan keMERIAHannya ;) *wink*wink* tambah tolak seme dalam koi11suku sampai kat atas tuh
kat atas we split into 2 groups: buffet and theme park. so mostly yg g buffet diorg nk g casino pastuh tak ponx takut nk nek rollercoaster actually :P **kantoi**
so aku dengan grup yg pnuh kemeriahan join men theme park.semasa tgh queue nk nek corkscrew, him calling-calling, smsing-smsing me owaix untuk dimanjai..tambah pulak dah nk sampai turn, he called me then said that kat MEGAMALL and when me asked him dengan siapa wat apa seme tanak jawab, me mule panas hati, at the same time malas dah nk layan..pusing punya pusing rollercoster kepala ponx pusing, tuwun2 me tgk cm pnah tgk, tp di mana ya??
oo my God, its him!! waaaa rase nk peluk ponx ade at the same time muke blur-blur jalan menghampiri takut jugak tersalah org..pas mangsa telah dikenal pasti me mule pukul2 n cubit3..bukannye nk cakap nk dtg..SURPRISED!! he's here =)))))
after that i introduced him to my ofismet + my bos**ha tgk org gentleman jer kenalkan, u still sorok2 with ur frenz tho :( ** then ditugaskan menjaga beg sbb diorg nk nek space shot and we all jez nek cm ferris wheel bulat2 tuh :P
so kitorg teruskan dengan melakukan aktiviti dating di GEnting is like holiday =D besss sangat2!! n my ofismet very sporting jez let us go..they have to go down by 3pm and we all stay there sampai 6.15pm rasenye kot..
indoor both of us enjoy 4D motion master nye wayang + van helsing nye rumah hantu 3D..horror do fo~!! aku yg tak takut tgk citer hantu ponx jalan like u have to pakai 3Dnye spek + gelap gell + dinding horror + wat2 suara + kene kaco lagik n hantu van helsing neh..mencabar gell~! jerit tak jerit pedulik laa hikhik~~
spek mata ray beng
pastuh kitorg dah penat..balik jer laa..sampai KL ponx dah magrib, n then having dinner @ Nailis =) he sent me to OU amek baby kelisa..konvoi together balik Tmn Bukit Maluri n guide him to go back to Taman MElati..
still regret till today, wanna have bfast with u dat morning but very very tak larat sbb koi11 kene masuk keje suwie :(
my last wiken was GREAT and SUPERB!!!
surbey on thaipusam day :P
++ top fren tuh gapo eh? **clueless** ++
2. What's bothering you right now?
++ how to divide n spending time with my luv ones n money too**haih** ++
3. Would you share a drink with a stranger?
++ neva eva ++
4. What kind of phone do you have?
++ W660i **thanx dear =)** ++
5. Wallpaper on your computer's
++ ofis desktop*default windows* n mine*shadapianx during kak rina's wedding* ++
5. Ever been for a long journey ride?
++ how long? ++
6. Wallpaper on your phone?
++ me n him owaiz =) ++
7. Next time you will hug someone?
++ may be, depends lorh.. ++
8. Where was your default picture taken?
++ tok pehe ah ++
9. Is there something about you that you don't think you'd ever tell anyone?
++ dunno larh.. ++
10. Are you wearing anything on your feet?
++ kind of bersila on the chair ++
11. What is the last thing you ate today?
++ KFC snack plate + pepsi float*yumm yumm* ++
12. What are you doing this weekend?
++ balik kg + ofis trip + workinG ++
14. Who was the last person to send you a text message?
++ amru*ofismet, next cubicle* ++
15. If you could have one person with you right now who would it be?
++ my baby**mish ya sooo much n nk lwn bowling agi, tak puas ati neh!!** ++
16. Listening to?
++ no mp3 rite now, jez bunyik taip keybod ++
18. What do you want?
++ lots actually, but the main important is MONEY, yeah desperately ++
19.What are you eating?
++ not eating rite now ++
20. Have you hit someone today?
++ nope ++
21. Do you believe in a soul mate?
++ of course i do =) ++
22. Who is/are your bestfriend/s?
++ shitam, tapi ye dah asik nk bersoshial jer skang neh :( ++
23. Where do you want to live when you get older?
++ doesnt really matter, as long as i will live with my hubby n famili together =) ++
24. Do you burn easily in the sun?
++ not really, get used to i think :P ++
26. What is your dream car?
++ dun have ++
27. What did you do last night?
++ reading + sleep early*unwell..again* +smsing + calling ++
28. Who do you miss?
++ my dad, famili, him ++
18.Do you think he/she miss you too?
++ of course he is missing me rite now.. ++
29. What are you going to do after this?
++ balik umah + mandi + packing + balik kg**yeay** ++
30. Where is your bestfriend?
++ everywhere*chewah, cm byk jer bunyik :P* ++
32. Do you prefer day or night?
++ nite ++
33. Have you ever had a crush on your sister's/brother's friend?
++ nope, nk crush dgn budak form 3 ker :P ++
34. How good is your eyesight?
++ not really, my bad**sigh** ++
36. What was the last thing you drank?
++ air kosong baik utk kesihatan ye ++
37. Whose house did you go to last?
++ mak ngah n pak ngah's ++
39. Do you like anyone?
++ hurm stkt neh tadek rase meluat kat sape2 ponx, so seme like la kot huhu ++
40. Do you have a chance with them?
++ haa? whadaa~ ++
41. What do you wear more: shorts, slacks, jeans, or sweatpants?
++ jeanx ++
42. What is one word your best friends would use to describe you?
++ sexay haha :P ++
43. How old do you want to be when you settle down or get married?
++ get married: ASAP n settle down: bile eh bie? ++
45. Have you ever waved to someone and realized it wasn't the person you
thought it was?
++ byk kali.ade satu tuh siap salam skali, org tuh sambut jer salam tgk2 salah org :P ++
47. What have you learned recently?
++ byk.malas ah nk tep ++
48. Are you excited for school?
++ enjoy to all environment, have to! ++
49. Are you bored?
++ rite now, a big YES! ++
50. Someone on your mind?
++ =) him him him*juta2 lion* ++
51. Are you on someone elses mind?
++ not really sure, may be yes may be not.i m not special tho ++
53.Current mood?
54.What did you bought today?
++ rini belum agi ++
55.What did u do for New Years?
++ celebrating with my luv one =) cant wait for nxt year la bie :P ++
selasa yang bengang
kisah bengang aku bermula seawal pagi.pagi2 dtg keja ja ofismet aku mintak tuka waktu lunch.aku nye lunch time koi 1, kumar dah fix kan b4. dat man koi 2.dah dulu2 dia yg nk koi 2.pastuh ada la beberapa kali b4 tuh dia asik mintak tuka n aku nk exchange lunch time cakap lapaq sbb dia masuk keje koi8.ok fine aku ikut agi. but sumtimes aku ponx ade gak nk hang out atau luncho with my ofismet.semlm saja aku bakar dia cakap takleh.tibe2 dia jab aku msg2 emo cakap not satisfy with the lunch time.aku ponx ape agi.aku marah la dia balik, cakap if hes not satisfy just tell kumar la dun tell me theres nothing i can do. oOOoo, ingt aku the only girl here ingt leh ske2 hati lembut2 ker..lame dah aku tak gado + tgh on fire neh..oh ya, that man yg me gadoh with is the man yg berebut cubicle n aku dulu..wth..diskriminasi tol, ingt pompan neh lemah sangat ker..
sblm tuh, ku lupa pulak.pagi2 lagi b4 sampai ofis ponx bengang jugak.nk tau kenapa?parking nearly full.tapi tak tulih ponx cakap full, pusing punya pusing tak jupa jugak.last skali menenggek kat tepi keta vios.argh lantak ah kalau dia takleh kua anti.sibek aku bawak kelisa cuma.
n then bengang with my other ofismet yg tanak ngaku hes the one yg anta sms to me.dah kene fire seme n aku semlm baru nk paham far til today, dia still reti bahasa wponx aku cakap bahasa malaysia + english n tak cakap bahasa ibunda nya.
3rd thing, ku bengang dgn user from Bangladesh yg cakap kot taliponx mumble mumble tah pa pe yg cakap.n then bile tanye tanak jawab btol2.aku dah berapa kali rasa nk marah, mmg dah marah dah ponx tapi terpaksa MUTE kan dulu mic neh..dah bape kali aku cakap aku tak paham dia cakap pe tapi still tak paham bahasa.kalau mcm neh bile tah nk maju.dengan line + quality voice cm hampeh jer lagi + bunyik production kat belakang wat aku bertambah2 hangen..mcm bakar2 jer perasaan dalam diri ini.
last skali bengang n pakcik yg OTAI kat stesen minyak.tah pa pe letak keta melintang senget cm tuh kat parking.aku hangen gak la sesaje letak keta rapat n dia huh dah la makan parking lot org.arghhh benci ah pakcik org2 tua OTAI cmtuh!!
kuhabeskan hari semlm dgn makan Maggi Kari jer di umah..
ku ingtkan hari yang bengang dah tamat..tibe2 tambah plak dengan kehangatan aku neh dengan makcik ku yg menanyakan hal aku g Kontan last wiken..asal salah ker aku nk release tensen + bertemu dgn org tersayang..takkan la asik nk tunggu dia dtg sini..its not fair least aku g sane, nmpk la sket inisiatif aku syg kat die jugak..
bila lelaki jatuh cinta..
kali neh nye entry ponx just 'cut n paste' from sumwhere..
actually me pnah baca this article a few magazines and oso i found these things true if u had experienced..but my 'dat sumone' wont believe it and wont admit and still in denial state that mende alah neh btol..still dalam 'ye ker mcm tuh' u read and judge yourself k..
1. Dia bersungguh2 melakukan sesuatu utk kekasihnya dgn rela bukan krn terpaksa.
2. Dia sentiasa ingin menghiburkan kekasihnya dan berubah menjadi orang yg kuat bercakap.
3. Dia byk menasihati kekasihnya kerana dia amat menyayangi kekasihnya.
4. Dia berusaha mengongkong kebebasan kekasihnya krn perasaan cemburunya yang meluap-luap.
5. Dia sentiasa takut kehilangan kekasihnya.
6. Dia sentiasa mengawasi pergerakan kekasihnya krn dia sentiasa berasa curiga.
7. Dia tidak suka ada lelaki lain rapat dgn kekasihnya.
8. Dia mudah merasa cemburu dan sensitif apabila kekasihnya tidak menumpukan sepenuh perhatian kepadanya.
9. Adakalanya dia seperti seorang anak kecil yang meminta perhatian krn dia mahu kekasihnya melayannya lebih dari org lain.
10. Dia menjadi org yg paling rajin dan sanggup membantu kekasihnya melakukan apa saja.
11. Dia pandai merajuk hati krn ingin dipujuk oleh kekasihnya.
12. Dia akan mengalabah apabila kekasihnya berjauhan daripanya terlalu lama.
13. Dia sentiasa mempastikan keselamatan kekasihnya.
14. Dia mementingkan kekasihnya daripada dirinya sendiri.
15. Dia kerap bertanya adakah kekasihnya mencintainya krn dia merasa kasihnya lebih kuat drpd kekasihnya.
16. Dia tidak akan melayan perempuan lain yg tidak ada urusan penting dengannya.
17. Dia cuba meluangkan lebih byk masa dgn kekasihnya walaupun terpaksa menunggu kekasihnya dgn sabar.
18. Dia membanggakan kekasihnya di depan org lain.
19. Kalau ditinggalkan oleh kekasihnya, ia akan berasa serik dan tidak percaya dgn cinta perempuan lain namun dia sentiasa mengharap kekasihnya kembali kepadanya.
20. Apabila timbul org ketiga, dia akan hilang akal dan sanggup berbuat apa saja untuk merebut kembali kekasihnya.
21. Dia menganggap kekasihnya sebagai org yg paling dipercayainya dan sanggup menyerahkan harta walaupun nyawanya sendiri.
22. Dia tidak akan berlaku curang kepada kekasihnya namun jikalau dia dia berbuat demikian itu bererti hatinya belum 100 peratus mencintai kekasihnya.
23. Bukan semua lelaki sanggup menitiskan airmata hanya untuk seorang perempuan.
kepada kaum lelaki, apakah pendapat anda tentang kenyataan di atas?
Ada brann??
current mood
tatau nape terase diri mcm neh skang neh..
how could this be..
reasons why coffee can be better than men
- You don't have to put cream in your coffee to make it taste good.
- Coffee doesn't complain when you put whipped cream in it.
- A cup of coffee looks good in the morning.
- You won't fall asleep after a cup of coffee.
- You can always warm coffee up.
- Coffee comes with endless refills.
- Coffee is cheaper.
- You won't get arrested for ordering coffee at 3 AM.
- Coffee never runs out.
- Coffee is out of your system by tomorrow morning.
- You can make coffee as sweet as you want.
- Coffee smells and tastes good.
- If your coffee pot leaks, you can use a regular paper towel.
- You can always get fresh coffee.
- You can turn the pot on, leave the room, and it'll be hot when you get back.
- You can always ditch a bad cup of coffee.
- Coffee goes down easier.
- If you put chocolate in your coffee, it doesn't put on weight.
- No matter how ugly you are, you can always get a cup of coffee.
- A big cup or small cup? It doesn't matter.
- Coffee smells good in the morning.
- Coffee is good when it's cold too.
- Coffee stains are easier to remove.
- Coffee doesn't care when you dunk things in it.
- Coffee doesn't care what kind of mood you're in.
- Coffee is ready in 15 minutes or less.
- You can't get a cup of coffee pregnant by putting cream in it.
- Coffee doesn't mind being ground.
- No matter how bad coffee is, you can always make it better.
- Coffee doesn't have a time of the month... it's good all the time.
- When you have a coffee, you don't end up with a pube in the back of your throat.
- Coffee doesn't take up half your bed.
- Coffee doesn't mind if you wake up at 3 AM and decide to have a cup.
- You can have an intelligent conversation with coffee.
- Your coffee won't be jealous of a larger cup.
the mouth of truth
so here it goes:
- Anda cenderung menggunakan kepintaran anda bagi kepentingan anda bagi kepentingan diri. (dis one is not really correct because i do consider others ok..its just sumtimes, we have to be selfish for own good too, rite?)
- Anda seorang yang sangat pintar (define pintar plz.. =P)
- Anda mencuba memperalatkan orang lain untuk kepentingan diri. ( izit?? **curious**)
- Anda tahu untuk menyederhanakan semangat pengorbanan diri dan anda dapat hidup dengan gembira dan bahagia. ( no komen bout this..rite now i am hepi n bahagia..**ku bahagia-ala2 melly goeslaw)
- Masalah kesihatan anda sebahagian besarnya berpunca daripada jiwa yang tertekan. (yezzaa..migrain, gastrik what else? of course mine is start from stress)
- Anda mendapati sukar untuk menumpukan perhatian dalam sesuatu yang membina dan anda dapat cepat hilang minat dalam apa yang anda lakukan. (50-50 laa..sumtimes i might get bored with things so easily and sumtimes not esp the thang dat i loike~!!)
i cant understand..
rugi ker if they low profile and try to respect woman and feel their heart?
Rasulullah ponx tak pnah nk jadik ego dgn perempuan..yes, you are not nabi but please sedikit sebyk follow him..
if you feel that you are somehow soo great, the only one..may Allah show you the way, hopefully..
not gentleman
F**k up btol la..tho u r senior, consider ah sket..dah la berebut cubicle n woman plak tuh..demm u r not gentleman like your physical man!! gila downgrade urself..after me working and set up my place 1months ++ , now u want to claim that place is yours..huk ala
Ahri is coordinator there, shes more like trainer now and used to be one of the team lead before..lantak ah**malah laye**
one more thing, my cubicle mmg la very strategic, tmpt plg hujung and ke dalam skali, tepi tingkap n belakang tiang..tmpt plg sesuai la utk menyorok =P
ramai jerk laki yg tak gentleman skang neh..harap muka jer hensem, nice looking bla bla bla..perangai cm hampages jerk..
ada ker patut..berebut cubicle n pompan??? huahuahuahuahua
tag lagi..
My EmiLy purse**buruk gell, sape nk kasik purse baru neh?**
my 7610**yeah i noe its quite tukun, siap kene ikat getah lagi, but dat one my father give it to me k**
my baby Kelisa keys
strawbewi lip baLm
a piLot pen
**huk ala, cukup2 5 rupanye ngeh3
5 things found in my purse
myKad + driving licence
ATM cards + cash
muvie tickets + receipt**still have the sentimental value for my precious'**
pictures**mine + his + ours + his 5 ringgit note =)**
**dats y my purse very kembong one sampai takleh tutup
5 things I’ve always wanted to do
Go to Japan!!
5 things I’m currently into
Buy all my dreamx things n save money
5 people I’m going to tag
Sesape yg ade perasaan nk wat